Let’s give the judge some time off

I think its time we all give the judge a little time off. What do you think?

You know what im talking about!!!! That little guy or girl that’s in our head that seems to decide how we think and feel about all the things we experience in life.
The one who makes us feel guilty about our failures. The one who reminds us when we have screwed up and keeps reminding us over and over. The one who recognizes all the faults and failures in others and is always quick and ready to hand out its rulings.

It seems our whole lives we live with the judge. Oh….the judge has grown over time he wasn’t always that powerful. In fact without our understanding we have allowed the judge to grow and become as powerful as he is today. The judge has grown from all the “you cant do that’s” and the “you will never be good enough’s” in your life. We have allowed the judge to be the most harsh on our selves. To rob us of our full potential of happiness. The more we allow the judge to grow within us the more we allow the judge to dictate and control what we experience from outside of us.

We feed the judge so often we sometimes cant control how fast he grows. The more time we spend criticizing others the more powerful the judge becomes and the harsher he will be on our own self.

The good news is we can make a difference. We can learn to ignore the judge. To stop feeding into the cycle that allows us to be so critical of others and ultimately so critical on our selves. We can learn to recognize how we got to this point and how we have allowed the judge to become so powerful. We can choose happiness over fear. Fear of not being perfect. Fear of making mistakes and fear of not being as good as others.

Once we start to realize the judge within us we can consciously start to minimize his affect on us. We can start to recognize faulty logic in how we feel and remove the power of the judge so we can move forward and grow as better people for ourselves and for others around us.

It will not be easy as the judge has been with us our whole lives. It will take work and dedication to grow past the point where the judge is our biggest critic. It all starts with first recognizing its presence and to start taking its power away thought by thought.

For me this journey has just begun but its one im very excited to be on.
Its time we stand up to our own self critic and become the true full potential of who we are

The concept of the judge comes from the book “The four agreements”. This post i wrote is my own personal thoughts and reflection on this behavior we all seem to have.

I hope you all take the time to reflect on this post. I truly believe if we can begin to address how we process the world around us and address our own self criticism we will all be better for it.

By Tim St.Jacques

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